Body of Relating / Somatic Movement and Meditation Thursdays 5:30-7:00pm Winter Series - January 9 - March 13th (no class on January 30th) at The Peoples Yoga Studio 3 3014 NE Killingsworth
In Body of Relating we explore our aliveness. Through movement, meditation and discussion we engage in a creative process that investigates being with the world and depth of self as a mutually transformative process. When we move we are moving with the planetary body that is alive and knowable in each of us. When we sit we expand our sense of self to include our bones, blood, organs, skin and we sit with what our body knows of the earth.
In the winter series we will practice somatic mediation. Being held by the longer nights we explore quiet practices both seated, in movement and lying down.
$130 - $250 sliding scale Register by emailing