
Private Sessions

Private Sessions

Through decades of study and practice, I have developed an expansive tool kit to assist you in your personal practice. I bring together my skills as a movement educator, meditation teacher, artist, somatic intuitive and long time study and practice of craniosacral therapy. I view private meetings as a collaboration where each session is tailored to meet your individual needs and often include a combination of movement, breath work, listening touch, meditation and therapeutic somatic dialog. Some people connect to lying down on a table to receive touch that deepens awareness of what the body knows, which can lead to intuitive unwinding. Others prefer to study movement and meditation together to uncover patterns and awaken new movement possibilities.

People interested in private sessions often come with some physical questions related to pain, injury, dis-ease and a desire to reduce stress and anxiety. Some students come in without anything “wrong” but simply want to dive into some new material and give space for deeper listening.

I hold a container for you to access a heightened state of awareness and to be in a unique conversation with your body. The work that unfolds brings you into an experience of being at home in yourself. You are the teacher; the expert and we allow the wisdom of the body to guide us. Through deep somatic inquiry students are guided towards a feeling of wholeness, integration and presence. We feel into new pathways and possibilities while unlocking habits that may not be serving you anymore.

Price - $65 - $115/hour. Sliding Scale
Email me at suniti@suniti.net for an appointment.